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Santa Claus Amigurumi – Free Crochet Pattern

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4mm crochet hook, 4/Medium weight yarn in red, white, green, black, and skin color. 10mm safety eyes, tapestry needle, scissors, and stuffing.

Additional Information:
Difficulty: Easy
We start by making the two feet then connect the feet together to form the body. The legs and body are one piece. We then make the head & it’s features, hat, then finally the arms.

Legs: (Make 2)

In Black

Round 1: 6 Sc in Magic Ring (6)
Round 2: *Inc* all around (12)
Round 3: *Inc, Sc* all around (18)
Round 4-6: *Sc* all around (18)
Round 7: Sc in the next 4 st, *Dec* 4 times, Sc in the last 6 st (14)
Round 8: Sc in the next 4 st, *Dec* 2 times, Sc in the last 6 st (12)
Round 9: *Sc* all around (12)
Switch to White
Round 10-11: *Sc* all around (12)
Switch to Red
Round 12: *Inc, Sc* all around (18)
Round 13-15: *Sc* all around (18)

Finish off the first leg only. Keep the stitch marker in the first leg.

Now continue working on the second leg.

Round 16: Sc in the next 7 st. Ch 1 (Pic 1). Count 3 st before st marker on first leg and Sc in that 3rd st (Pic 2, 3 & 4). You can remove the first leg’s stitch marker now. Continuing of First leg, Sc in the next 17 st. Now we meet the Ch 1 (Pic 5). Sc in the Ch 1 (Pic 6). Now we meet the Second leg. Sc in the next 11 st. Now we meet the st marker (Pic 7). (Stitch count is 38. Be sure to count the Ch 1 on both sides)

Round 17: Sc in the next 7 St. Now we meet the Ch 1. Sc in the Ch 1. Now we meet the first leg, Sc in the next 18 st. Sc in the next st, now we meet the second leg. Sc in the next 11 st (38)
Stuff legs here
Round 18: Sc in the next 21 st. Repeat *Inc in the next st, Sc in the next st* 6 times. Sc in the last 5 st (44)
Round 19: Sc in the next 21 st. Repeat *Inc in the next st, Sc in the next 2 st* 6 times, Sc in the last 5 st (50)
Round 20-21: *Sc* all around (50)
Switch to White
Round 22-23: *Sc* all around (50)
Switch to Red
Round 24: *Sc* all around (50)
Round 25: Repeat *Dec, Sc in the next 6 st* 6 times, *Dec* in last 2 st (43)
Round 26-27: *Sc* all around (43)
Switch to Black
Round 28-29: *Sc* all around (43)
Switch to Red
Round 30: *Dec, Sc in the next 5 st* 6 times, Sc in last st (37)
Round 31-35: *Sc* all around (37)
Round 36: *Dec, Sc in the next 4 st* 6 times, Sc in last st (31)
Round 37-39: *Sc* all around (31)
Round 40: *Dec, Sc in the next 3 st* 6 times, Sc in last st (25)
Add more stuffing here

Round 41: *Dec, Sc in the next 2 st* 6 times, Sc in last st (19)
Round 42: *Dec, Sc* 6 times, Sc in the last st (13)
Round 43: *Dec* 6 times, Sc in last st (7)
Finish off and add any additional stuffing. Sew closed.



In Skin Color

Round 1: 6 Sc in Magic Ring (6)
Round 2: *Inc* all around (12)
Round 3: *Inc, Sc* all around (18)
Round 4: *Inc, Sc 2* all around (24)
Round 5: *Inc, Sc 3* all around (30)
Round 6: *Inc, Sc 4* all around (36)
Round 7: *Inc, Sc 5* all around (42)
Round 8: *Inc, Sc 6* all around (48)
Round 9-13: *Sc* all around (48)
Round 14: Sc in the next 20 st, Sc in next st and add a different colored st marker to the Sc just made. This marks where to place the eye. Sc in next 5 st. Sc in next st and add a different colored st marker to the Sc just made. Sc in next 21 st (48)

Round 15-20: *Sc* all around (48)
Add eyes here

Round 21: *Dec, Sc 6* all around (42)
Round 22: *Dec, Sc 5* all around (36)
Round 23: *Dec, Sc 4* all around (30)
Round 24: *Dec, Sc 3* all around (24)
Stuff here

Round 25: *Dec, Sc 2* all around (18)
Round 26: *Dec, Sc* all around (12)
Round 27: *Dec* all around (6)
Finish off and add any additional stuffing. Sew closed.


In White

Row 1: Ch 20. SlSt in 2nd Ch from hook, SlSt in next st, Sc in next st, Hdc in next st, Dc in next st, Trc in next st, Dtrc in next, Trc in next st, Dc in next st, SlSt in next st. Dc in next st, Trc in next st, Dtrc in next st, Trc in next st, Dc in next st, Hdc in next st, Sc in next st, SlSt in next 2 st
Finish off. Pin on as shown.


In Skin Color

Round 1: 6 Sc in Magic Ring (6)
Round 2: *Inc* all around (12)
Round 3: In BLO (Back Loop Only) *Sc* all around (12)
Finish off and pin to the head as shown.


In White

Row 1: Ch 26. Sc in 2nd Ch from hook, Sc in next 24 st (25)
Row 2: Turn, Sc in next 25 st (25)
Row 3: Turn, Sc in next 8 st, Dc in next 3 st, Trc in next 3 st, Dc in next 3 st, Sc in last 8 st (25)
Finish off and pin on head as shown.


In Skin Color

Row 1: Ch 3. Dc in 2nd ch from hook. Dc 2 more times in same st. Dc 3 times in next st and finish off. Pin on as shown.

Sew every piece on now.


In White

Assemble eyes and eyebrows as shown.


In Red

Assemble mouth as shown. Sew mouth below mustache. Sew on head to body.


In Red

Round 1: 6 Dc in Magic Ring (6)
Round 2: *2 Dc in each st* all around (12)
Round 3: *Dc* all around (12)
Round 4: *2 Dc in next st, Dc in next st* all around (18)
Round 5: *Dc* all around (18)
Round 6: *2 Dc in next st, Dc in next 2 st* all around (24)
Round 7: *Dc* all around (24)
Round 8: *2 Dc in next st, Dc in next 3 st* all around (30)
Round 9: *2 Dc in next st, Dc in next 4 st* all around (36)
Round 10: *2 Dc in next st, Dc in next 5 st* all around (42)
Round 11-12: *Dc* all around (42)
Switch to White
Round 13: *Dc* all around (42)
Round 14: *Sc* all around (42)
Finish off and pin to the head.

Pom Pom:

In White

First, cut a 12″ piece of white yarn and set aside for later. Now, take white yarn and wrap it around for 3 fingers 80 times (Pic 1, 2, & 3). Now take the yarn off your fingers (Pic 4). Wrap the 12″ piece of yarn around the yarn a few times (Pic 5-6). Do this tightly to secure. Now, cut the loops of yarn as shown (Pic 7-10). Be sure to cut all the longer pieces of yarn off to get a puffy ball. Finally, sew the pom pom to the top of the hat.


In Green

Round 1: 6 Sc in Magic Ring (6)
Round 2: *Inc* all around (12)
Round 3: *Inc, Sc* all around (18)
Round 4-5: *Sc* all around (18)
Round 6: Sc in the next 11 st. 3 Dc in the next st. Remove hook from current st (Pic 1) and insert it into the first Dc (Pic 2). Now reinsert hook into current working st (Pic 3). Yarn over (Pic 4) and pull through both loops (Pic 5). This makes 1 popcorn stitch for the thumb (Pic 6). Sc in the next 6 st (18)

Round 7-8: *Sc* all around (18)
Round 9: *Dec, Sc* all around (12)
Switch to White
Round 10-11: *Sc* all around (12)
Switch to Red
Round 12-22: *Sc* all around (12)
Finish off and stuff. Pin on as shown and sew on.

Done! If you finished this pattern, I would be SO HAPPY if you “try” it on Pinterest, or tag me on Instagram @StringyDingDing or #StringyDingDing


  1. Love your Santa design. I have a question about the moustache. Why chain 50, when there are 20 stitches? Thank you.

    1. Hi there, thank you so much! That seems to be a typo, 5 is too close to 2 on my keyboard haha. I went ahead and put 20 instead of 50. Thanks so much and I hope you enjoy the Santa!

      1. Thank you for clarifying. Love your designs. Thank you for sharing! Happy Holidays.

  2. I love your Santa Clause pattern. It’s easy to follow. Thank you for sharing. Happy holidays!

    1. Thank you so very much! It’s really nice to hear that you had a fun time making it 🙂 Have a wonderful Christmas and happy new year! ❤️❤️❤️

  3. Thank you for sharing this wonderful pattern. I got here from Crochet House Mouse’s YouTube recommendation. Really loved making these for my family and friends (including a pair for my grandmother :)). Thanks again. Love from India.

  4. Love your patterns and thank you so much for making them available! I do have a question though, and I may be missing something but you say to leave the marker in the first leg (and I do understand why this is necessary) but for the life of me, I can’t see any instruction on where to place the marker initially. Am I correct in assuming that it is at the beginning of round 2? Again, many thanks, from NZ
    PS attached, Mrs Claus, guessed position of the feet 🙂

    1. Hi Wendy! Thank you so much for the kind words, I really appreciate that you like my silly patterns! It means a lot to me that you enjoy them, and your Mrs. Claus is SOOO cute! I love her holding the Christmas pudding lol! That’s adorable 🙂

      You have a great question – when it comes to using stitch markers I will always place it in the first stitch made to mark the rounds. For example, if you make 6 single crochets into a magic ring, place the stitch marker into the first stitch. Once you complete the round, move the stitch marker into the next “first stitch” you make on the 2nd round 🙂 I hope this makes sense and I didn’t misinterpret your question! If you happen to have any questions, please feel free to let me know. I’m always happy to help! (And by the way, I would loooove to see a picture of your finished Mr. Claus!)


  5. My Santa’s hat white rows came uneven is there something I did wrong it the first time it’s happened

    1. Hi Catherine! Thank you so much for your question 🙂 Is there a slight jagged edge at the start of your white round? If so, that is totally normal when it comes to changing colors. There are methods you can use to have a more seamless color change, but they are a little time consuming. If I misunderstood your issue, please just let me know! I want to make sure you’re happy with how the hat comes out 🙂


  6. Really enjoyed making these.

  7. Pouvez-vous m’adresser le tutoriel du Père Noël ?


  8. Excuse me how tall are they?

  9. As a beginner, I don’t think I did too bad. I may have lost count or added extra stitches somewhere. But I do love how my santa turned out

  10. I had lots of fun and really enjoyed make Mr. & Mrs. Santa Clause.

  11. I’m not the best yet, but making progress.

  12. Just finished this Santa. He turned out super cute. Really enjoyed making him!

  13. Nie rozumiem twoich skrótów, nigdzie nie znalazłam pł, pr,

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